T.01933 626062 M.07956 408662 sales@cohortmfg.com

Brake Bands / Press Blocks / Moulded and Woven friction linings

Cohort manufacture and repair brake bands for the marine, agriculture, cranes, steel and wire industries, we use high specification metals and friction linings which offer superior service life.

Cohort supply press blocks for most Press Manufacturers Including -HME, Bentley, Wilkins & Mitchel, British Clearing, Craven Fawcett, Rhodes, Schuler, Cowlishaw & Walker, Bliss, Erfurt, Amada, Vickers, Platarg, Taylor & Challen, Sweeny & Blocksidge.

We are also able to select friction linings from all the leading manufacturers to find the best solution for your braking needs.

Brake Bands

High quality brake bands supplied by Cohort Manufacturing

Press Blocks

Cohort supplied Press Blocks

Moulded and Woven Friction Linings

Moulded and Woven Friction Linings